1 实验部分
1.1 主要仪器与试剂
分析天平:精度为0.1 mg,德国Sartorius公司;
实验用水为电阻率大于18.2 MΩ·cm的纯水。
1.2 色谱条件
色谱柱:PR-SA-8A阴离子交换分离柱(4.6 mm×200mm);淋洗液:250mmol/L硫酸铵+100 mmol/L氢氧化铵溶液;流速:1.50 mL/min;进样体积:375 mL;衍生液:2.0 mmol/L二苯碳酰二肼+10%甲醇+1.0N硫酸,衍生液流速:0.50ml/min,反应管体积:750ml,检测波长:540nm。
1.3 样品预处理
2 结果与讨论
2.1 色谱条件的优化
六价铬在水溶液中一般以HCrO4-、CrO42-或Cr2O72-形式存在,与溶液的PH有较大关系。在碱性(PH>9)的条件下主要以CrO42-形式存在,在常规的阴离子交换柱中强保留,保留时间长且峰型拖尾。采用高浓度的硫酸根离子为淋洗液可明显缩短CrO42-的保留时间且峰型较为对称。为保持流动相为碱性,采用NH4+-NH3缓冲体系,因此淋洗液采用250mmol/L硫酸铵+100 mmol/L氢氧化铵溶液。
2.2 线性方程与定量限
图2 饲料中六价铬的离子色谱图
分别配制0.01,0.02,0.05,0.2及1.0 mg/L的六价铬标样,按照浓度由低到高的顺序依次进样分析,以质量浓度(mg/L)为横坐标,峰面积为纵坐标绘制线性方程。以3倍的信噪比(S/N=3)计算检出限,以10倍的信噪比(S/N=10)计算定量限。六价铬的线性范围、线性方程、相关系数、定量限结果见表1。
表1 线性范围、线性方程、相关系数以及检出限和定量限
线性范围/(mg·L-1) | 线性方程 | 相关系数 | 定量限/(mg·L-1) | 检出限/(mg·L-1) | |
本文 | 国家标准[8] | ||||
0.01-1.0 | Y=3229000X-15540 | 0.9995 | 9.6 | 2.8 | 4.0 |
本方法对六价铬检出限为2.8mg/L,低于国家标准中4.0 mg/L的检出限,因此本方法比国家标准方法灵敏度高,增大进样体积可获得更低的检出限。
2.3 回收率与重现性
表2 六价铬加标回收试验结果
| 本底/(mg·L-1) | 添加值/(mg·L-1) | 测得值/(mg·L-1) | 回收率/% | RSD/% |
池塘水 | ND | 50.0 | 54.0 | 108 | 2.63 |
自来水 | ND | 50.0 | 49.0 | 98 | 4.95 |
3 结语
参 考 文 献
Determination of Chromium (Hexavalent) in Drinking water and ground water by Ion Chromatography coupled with post-column derivitization
Wang Cunjin
(Qingdao Puren Instrument Co., Ltd,
Abstract A method was developed for the determination of Chromium(Hexavalent) in drinking water and ground water by ion chromatography coupled with post-column derivitization. The drinking water and ground water sample was treated by RP column and filtration to obtain clear solution. Chromium (Hexavalent) in the drinking water and ground water sample was determined by ion chromatography coupled with post-column derivitization and UV-Vis detection (530nm). The absorbance after derivitization showed good linearity with concentration in the range of 0.01-1.0 mg/L and the correlation coefficient is 0.9995. The LOD for Chromium(Hexavalent) was 2.8 mg/L, Which is superior to national standard method (4mg/L,50ml sample tested) .The recovery and repeatability were in the range of 98~108% 、2.63~4.95%, respectively. The method showed higher sensitivity and could be applied to drinking water and ground water analysis.
Keywords Chromium(Hexavalent); ion chromatography; post column derivitization; drinking water;ground water